TV's Best Video Clips - Updated Daily

WATCH CLIP 1 Britney Spears on 'Britney: For the Record'

Pop Goes The Bubble

'Britney: For the Record'
(MTV Sun., 10PM)

In a raw moment, Britney expresses frustration with her newly structured life.

WATCH CLIP 2 Tyra Banks on 'Tyra Banks'

Bite Me!

'Tyra Banks'
(Weekdays, Syndicated)

Jealous much? 'Twilight' actor Robert Pattinson takes a bite out of tasty Tyra.

WATCH CLIP 3 Ellen DeGeneres on 'Ellen DeGeneres'

Call Of The Wild

'Ellen DeGeneres'
(Weekdays, Syndicated)

Ellen learns to shake her Bollywood booty by imitating the mating ritual of an elk.

WATCH CLIP 4 Jimmy Smits on 'Dexter'

Red Handed Rivals

(Showtime Sun., 9PM)

This is gonna be messy. The competitive clash between two serial killers heats up.

WATCH CLIP 5 Simeon on 'The Pickup Artist 2'

Lifted To New Heights

'The Pickup Artist 2'
(VH1 Sun., 12PM)

After eight tough weeks, Mystery crowns the master ladies man in the finale.

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