Sneha Khanwalkar goes 'Sound Trippin' with MTV

Stories are created with words put together, while music is created with notes, but now experience music like never heard before through various sounds put together. MTV introduces a fresh take on music through the launch of ‘MTV Sound Trippin’ and invites all music lovers to experience the making of music through the sounds of unexplored India with the very unconventional and talented music director, Sneha Khanwalkar. An original format home grown, conceptualized and owned by MTV, It will showcase Sneha’s talent to capture sounds at every place she visits and the idiosyncrasies in the culture and music of that place.

We’re all well versed with the life of ‘Airplane India’, ‘The Big City India’, we’re also very familiar with ‘Incredible India’, but what we’ve seen doesn’t really give the complete picture. There’s another India far away from the bustling metros, outside tourist India... so now discover this India that doesn’t pander through tourist expectations. What better way to acquaint yourself with this beautiful country than through its ‘Sounds’.

From the ‘Smooth Swishing Of Metal Over Cloth’, ‘The Gushing Of Water’, ‘The Overpowering Tractor Motor’, ‘Tinkling Bells On A Bullock Cart’, ‘Thumping Clothes Being Washed’, ‘Snake Charmers Irresistible Melody’ to ‘Swishing Potter’s Wheel’, the show presents a unique madness of creating music from everyday life. While to most of us these are just sounds, to Sneha there’s music in these sounds.

MTV Sound Trippin Sneha venturing boldly into the lesser-known India, backpack and recorder in tow, in relentless pursuit of authentic sound. Why Sound? Because nothing captures the essence of a location or a community better than its local sounds. And these sounds give us a pure, untainted glimpse into that community and the lives of so many Indians.

Sneha Khanwalkar who is best known for her score in the popular film Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!, is born and brought up in Indore and trained in Hindustani classical music. She travelled through the rural parts of North India to pick and learn various musical tunes to combine and create musical magic for the movie. Sneha has an inquisitive approach towards making music.

MTV Sound Trippin is about venturing confidently into the unknown, it’s about moving away from the mainstream, it’s about stepping out of that box, it’s also about embracing that fearless spirit of wanderlust... It’s a journey from sound to song.

So discover music unlike anything you’ve heard before and get ‘trippin’ on it!

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