The reality shows saga continues, a quiz based show on Indian traditions...
With the controversies brewing about Veena Malik, who is gearing up for Imagine TV's Swayamvar Season 4 - Veena Ka Vivaah, the channel has announced another reality show to add to their kitty.The promos have already hit the channel about a new show titled as Gyan Guru.
We bring to you some more details about the show. "The show will basically be a quiz contest for the normal audience, just like other quiz reality shows. But the difference would be that only cultural traditions and rituals related questions would be posed to the participant. The channel will select entries that are above 14 years and those who possess a bank of knowledge about India's tradition and cultures."
The source adds, "It so happens that many of us follow traditions without even knowing the reason behind them. Therefore, Imagine TV has put forward this concept to take India to it's roots."
An anonymous source from the channel confirmed the buzz.
The show is expected to air in the time slot of Nachle Ve, which would see its finale episode soon.
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