The cast & crew of Imagine's Chandragupta Maurya were on cloud nine recently after the show completed a year since it started entertaining viewers. Now that the air of celebration is over, the creatives are working on making the storyline more interesting, spicier and peppier. In the upcoming episodes, the show will go in a flashback mode and Chandragupta Maurya (Ashish Sharma) will get to know about his father's past.
Chankya (Manish Wadhwa ) will take Chandragupta to a location where his father had once lost a battle against Dhanananda's (Sooraj Thapar) father Mahapadnanda. The battle scenes will be shown in the flashback sequence. Ankit Arora of Ramayan fame will play the character of Maurya's father and Sooraj Thapar will be seen in a double role and he will play the role of his father as well.
Furthermore, Chanakya hid the fact from Chandragupta that his father was a Kshatriya. But now, he will reveal everything. After learning that Mahapadnanda killed his father, Chandragupta will once again vow to demolish Dhanananda's empire.
"The fighting scene was shot in Mumbai however currently the team is shooting in Baroda as they wanted a fort location which was available there. The cast and crew will get back to Mumbai tomorrow (23 December 2011)," informs a source.
We talked to Manish Wadhwa and he went on to confirm, "Yes, we are shooting in Baroda. About the track, yes, Chanakya will reveal a few things about Chandragupta's past."
We also called up Ankit and Sooraj but they remained unavailable. Keep reading this section for more updates on the show!!!
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