Fire breaks in Japan Studio at Goregaon, but the reason behind this remains unknown...
Just few hours back, fire broke out at the Japan Studio in Goregoan, the studio that houses the shoot of television shows like Woh Rehne Wali Mehlon Ki. Shoot of Sony’s Waqt Batayega Kaun Apna Kaun Paraya also used to take place at the same studio.
We called up the owner of the studio, Mona who happens to be the ex-wife of Bollywood Director Boney Kapoor, but she seemed to charge at us rather than talking about the incident, saying “Cant you see so many things happening in Mumbai? Why are you calling here? Don’t you have any other work to do?”
Besides, she was too rude with the other electronic media guys who went on the scene to cover the incident. A source from the sets states, “Media came here with the cameras to cover the news, but had to go disappointed, as they were not allowed to do so.”
The extent of damage to the sets is not known and so is the reason behind this fire mishap.
Well, at the way things are at this point, seems like the fire is burning inside..and out!
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